Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

Where to Find Templates for Book Reviews

Would you like your children to become book lovers? One way to do that is to get them into the habit of reading lots of books. Book reports are a good tool to determine how well your child is comprehending the book that he or she just read. Here are a few places to find printable book report templates. Writing a book report allows kids to practice a skill that will help them to have a detailed discussion about books with other people. It might not be as fun as some of the alternatives to book reports, but it is … Continue reading

Little Critter Books

I have always stressed the importance of reading in my house. I would encourage it at every opportunity. Story time was a big deal. Every day we would take time out to do this. It was loved by all in my house. In the evening there was also story time. It was a daily ritual and because of that, I believe, I had good readers around me. Not only did my house have good readers, but imaginations ran wild here. It was a good thing. There were stories created by the people among me that I have saved and treasured … Continue reading

On Ebooks and Libraries

At various points throughout my time as a blogger for I’ve written about my weird relationship to ebooks. “Weird,” you ask? Yes, weird. You see, as a graduate student (and a part-time instructor) I’ve got my fair share of books sitting on the shelf. I’ve also typically got a constant stream of new material flying my way and filling my existing shelves. “Ebooks don’t take up additional shelf space,” you correctly retort. No, they don’t. You see, part of my strange relationship with ebooks is that I don’t buy them. Now before I hear all about how I’m a … Continue reading

Blogging to Learn

Blogging is not just for the homeschooling moms. Moms everywhere have discovered the fun and therapeutic advantages of blogging. It is a way to connect and share in a method that is visual and able to be accessed at any time. Busy moms enjoy logging online to find the advice they need on their own time schedule. However, the blogging world is not just for moms, writers, and those with a desire to chronicle their knowledge and life with others. Blogging is also becoming a popular outlet and teaching tool for students. You will find a surge of homeschooled students … Continue reading

I Spy Little Book Book Review

The I Spy Little Book by Jean Marzollo and Walter Wick is a great first “seek and find” book for your toddler. You will be quite surprised at what your little one knows that you may think he does not. Identifying words to pictures is a fun way to spend time with your little one and so valuable to their development. This seek and find board book is the perfect size to stick in your purse when you are going out the door with your toddler. The I Spy Little Book has approximately 26 pages, which include pictures and words. … Continue reading

All Genealogy Blogs Are Not Equally Valuable

I love when I find a genealogy blog that I had not been aware of before! The information written on a genealogist’s personal blog can be entertaining, enlightening, and perhaps even informative. I try to keep in mind, however, that not every genealogy blog is going to be a useful resource for my genealogy research. Part of the reason why has to do with the very nature of what we define as “a blog”. The word “blog” is a shortened form of the phrase “web log”. Before the age of the internet, if someone wanted to write down a detailed … Continue reading

Save Space on Your Bookshelf with eBooks

Genealogy is a hobby that requires a lot of research. Research requires one of two things: access to the internet, or access to the actual printed books that you can hold in your hand. While a visit to a library can be very helpful, it has limitations. The other option is to buy the book you need. Many genealogists quickly end up with more books than they have the physical shelf space for. One great way to save valuable shelf space is to purchase the book in electronic format. Digital books are also called electronic books, or eBooks. They contain … Continue reading

Great Genealogy Blogs

Looking for the latest news in genealogy? A great way to do that is to subscribe to some of the genealogy blogs that function like newsletters. They are free to subscribe to, and many provide daily updates about news articles relating to genealogy. It sure saves time to have all this information collected in one place, ready for you to read. I like the genealogy blogs and newsletters because they do more than just provide links to resources that you can search through as you work on your own genealogy projects. The information found on these kinds of websites lets … Continue reading

Books for Kids About Foster Care

There are many good children’s books about adoption, but still a dearth of books about foster care. It is a painful subject to write about, but it is also hard when a foster child thinks he or she is the only one going through it, and also when other children don’t understand. The following books can be used by foster parents, social workers and therapists to help children understand some of the reasons they might be in foster care, the roles of the adults including biological family, foster parents, social worker, therapist and judge; and who makes the decisions about … Continue reading